
Oak and Iron Fitness

One of the biggest pain points we hear from clients revolves around consistency. 

Work deadlines, your kids’ soccer games, or that brunch you planned months ago with a friend—these things may take priority, and your health and fitness can take the backseat. You might find yourself saying, “I just wish I had more time.”

We get it. Life is busy, and trying to juggle everything can feel overwhelming. But what if we told you that staying consistent with your fitness goals is easier than you think? You don’t have to cancel plans or miss deadlines to make it happen.

Here are 7 tips to help you stay consistent in your fitness routine, without sacrificing the other important things in your life.

1. Schedule Your Workouts Like Meetings

If you’re a busy professional, this tip is for you. Look at your calendar at the beginning of the week and find gaps where you can slot in your workouts. Treat these time blocks as appointments with yourself that you can’t cancel.

Whether it’s a 30-minute workout before your first meeting or a quick session after work, having it on your schedule makes it easier to stay consistent.

2. Create a Habit Stack

Habit stacking is a powerful way to build new routines. Start with something you already do daily. Let’s say you never skip your morning coffee. You can stack a new habit, like drinking a glass of water, on top of that. Now, every time you make your coffee, you’ll also drink water.

This simple trick ties your new habit to an existing one, making it easier to remember.

3. Use the Dial Method

Do you ever feel like it’s not worth doing if you’re not giving 100% to your fitness? The dial method is here to change that mindset. Instead of thinking in absolutes, imagine a dial from 1 to 10. Your “10” is your maximum effort, but on tough days, even a “1” still counts.

The point is to never turn the dial off completely. Even on your busiest days, you can move the needle, no matter how small the step.

4. Determine Your Non-Negotiables

Non-negotiables are 1-3 things you can commit to doing, no matter what. They could be as simple as drinking 8 glasses of water a day or doing a 10-minute stretch routine.

These are your anchors. When life gets crazy, your non-negotiables keep you grounded in your fitness goals, helping you maintain progress even when everything else feels unpredictable.

5. Just Do Your Warm-Up

Ever feel like you just don’t want to work out? We’ve all been there, many times! 

Try this: commit to only doing your warm-up. After a few minutes of movement, you’ll often feel energized and ready to continue.

If you’re still not feeling it after the warm-up, then it’s okay to skip the workout that day. At least you gave it a shot and let your body, not your mind, make the decision.

6. Set a Timer

Short on time or energy? Set a timer for 15 or 20 minutes and do what you can. This approach removes the barrier of needing a full hour for a workout, which is a misconception anyway. Some movement is always better than none, and you might be surprised by how much you can accomplish in a short burst of focused activity.

7. Follow Through on Your Promises

How often do you break the promises you make to yourself? When you commit to something, even if it’s small, follow through. Honoring your word builds self-confidence and proves that you’re capable of change.

Each time you fulfill a commitment to yourself, you reinforce the belief that you can keep showing up, which builds a cycle of consistency and progress.

Consistency Beats Perfection

Consistency doesn’t mean you have to be perfect. It means showing up, doing what you can, and making adjustments when life gets in the way. Apply one or more of these tips, and you’ll find yourself on a path toward a healthier, more sustainable fitness journey.



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Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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