
If you really want to fuel your workouts and/or change your body composition, then you will need to zero in on your nutrition. In order to optimize your workouts and your results, you need to fuel your body properly. That is why we have in-house nutrition coaches. We offer everything from personalized fueling strategies, accountability, and educational information, body composition analyses, and more to help our members incorporate proper nutritional habits into their lifestyle.

Nutrition Experts

Our highly-trained and experienced nutrition experts will help you create a plan that will support your goals and your lifestyle. A strategic approach to both fitness and nutrition will help lay the best path to meeting your goals. Meet our nutrition team and learn more about how they can help.


  • Free Complimentary Consultation
  • Body Composition Analysis
  • Monthly Macro Coaching
  • Weekly Accountability Check-Ins
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inbody 270

Body Composition Analysis

(INBODY 270)

The best way to get started is to work with one of our nutrition experts to define your goals and take advantage of our InBody body composition analysis services. You will be able to understand where you are and where you want to be and your nutritionist can lay out a plan for how to get there. 

Most people come through our doors looking to “lose weight and get toned.” The problem is that losing weight is a very ambiguous goal to set and consequently stick to.

It is easy to get discouraged by numbers from the untrustworthy scale, but your weight doesn’t tell the whole story. Your body is made up of muscle, fat, and water. So losing weight is not the same as losing fat. Likewise, gaining weight may not be all fat gain. The InBody results sheet provides an extensive display of parameters relevant to body composition that can be used to efficiently lose fat, dial in your nutrition, identify muscle deficiencies, and more! It is a great tool for gaining a more accurate view of what your weight actually means and creating strategies to help you meet your goals.

Through the use of cutting-edge bioelectrical impedance analysis, the InBody allows for accurate and non-invasive body composition testing in less than 30 seconds! InBody offers more accurate results than other “gold standard” methods of body composition analysis at a fraction of the price, time, and invasion of personal space. This quick, easy and precise analysis will provide an objective starting point to track your progress as you start, or continue, on your quest to better health and fitness.


Pricing for InBody Scans

30 min initial session with a coach to discuss results.
$50 or $35 if Oak and Iron Fitness Member if scheduling outside of the quarterly goal session review

Before & After InBody Scan Package.
$90 or $60 if Oak + Iron Member if scheduling outside of the quarterly goal session review

Quarterly InBody Scan Package (Buy 3, Get 1 Free).
$150 or $105 if Oak + Iron Member if scheduling outside of the quarterly goal session review


Contact us today to get started! Whether you’re looking to join our classes or work one-on-one with a personal trainer, we have the solution for you. Take the first step towards a healthier, stronger you! Our experienced trainers are ready to help you, and will ensure every workout is tailored to your goals, preferences and needs. 

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