
Oak and Iron Fitness

Are you eager to begin your strength training journey but unsure where to start? You’re not alone! The idea of lifting weights can be exciting yet overwhelming, especially if you’re new to it. But don’t worry—this simple guide will help you navigate the essentials and set you up for success in your workouts. Whether you’re aiming to build muscle, improve overall fitness, or just feel stronger, starting off on the right foot is key. Let’s dive into how you can make strength training a consistent and enjoyable part of your routine.


Take things at your own pace.


It can be overwhelming starting something for the first time! That’s why it’s important to recognize that this is YOUR fitness journey, no one else’s. There will always be best practices, but ultimately, you should commit to what you can do consistently. Ideally, the general rule of thumb is to  Incorporate 2-3 strength workouts per week so start there!


Make a plan.


Walking into a gym without a plan can feel chaotic. If feasible, consider hiring a coach for personal training or joining a gym that specializes in intentionally designed group fitness workouts so that the planning is taken care of you. If those are not options for you, there are a ton of accredited and experienced coaches who sell their programs online that include exercise demos, reps, and sets. With any of these options, all you have to do is show up! This is also an essential step to optimize your time in the gym, ensure you’re incorporating the fundamental movement patterns, and minimize injuries.


Perfect your fundamental movement patterns.


It is crucial that you are moving well prior to adding loads to your movement patterns. Take the time to really learn how the movement should be executed, ask your coach for tips and feedback, take videos of yourself to check your form, and be patient! Your body will learn through muscle memory, and you’ll start to notice improvements in the way you move.


Grab an accountability buddy.


We weren’t meant to travel down new roads alone. Grab a buddy who can keep you accountable. This can be a significant other, a friend or even just another gym goer. This buddy doesn’t even have to go to the same gym as you. You might share calendar invites or call each other on the way to the gym to check-in. Talk with your accountability partner to find some strategies that help you stay committed.


Prioritize recovery from the start.


If you’re just starting out in your strength training journey, this might not be something you’re thinking about. You might not feel like you need to be incorporating stretching, foam rolling, rest, or gentle yoga yet, but this will DEFINITELY be something you will want to have as part of your routine down the road, especially as your body works harder in the gym.


Starting strength training may feel like a big step, but with a plan, patience, and the right mindset, you’ll find your rhythm in no time. Remember to take things at your own pace, focus on mastering the basics, and lean on support from an accountability partner when needed. Recovery is just as important as your workouts, so make it a priority early on. Stay consistent, listen to your body, and celebrate the progress you make along the way!



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